Friday, March 30, 2012

The Well Hung(er) Games

Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert!...this is not a Spoiler Alert. I have yet to read, see , hear, or even taste "The Hunger Games" and yet I feel fully qualified to rip the living guts out of this puppy. Am I sounding a little violent? Naw it is all in good fun in the kind of way that makes the gladiator fights to the death in ancient Rome look like Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood. I realize that my little blog will do nothing against the juggernaut of social media and well financed advertising campaign for the movie which by now has grossed 12 gazillion dollars but I feel obligated to say how ironic this whole thing is.

The Hunger Games appears to poke artistic pokers at the reality TV phenomena and the culture surrounding it. I imagine that as a book this can be most effective, but as a movie it seems too ironic.

Not just the movie alone, but the advertising and merchandising that goes with the whole cinematic ball of wax. As one panel member of "Wait Wait Don't Tell" said, he cant' wait for The Hunger Games Happy Meal to be announced. Even The Hunger Games lunch box and the Hunger Games Coffee Mug would be in such bad taste that by the time this blog goes "to print" they will already be sold out (I am not making this up, but when I first drafted this I did not know there really would be such a twisted and evil thing as a Hunger Games lunch box).

Think about it, after they exploit Hunger Games I, Hunger Games II etc. They will do what other franchises do and turn to the prequel, perhaps The Obesity Games in which well groomed spoiled surburban teens have to out eat the other selfish participants. It will not be long before Disney makes it into a stage show (and if you thought Spider Man - Turn Off the Lawsuits was ripe with accidents...just wait.) before the ultimate franchise bid. THEY WILL MAKE THE HUNGER GAMES INTO A REALITY TV SHOW. Yes, Gremlins are stealing this idea even as I type it. Think of the sponsors:

"We'll be right back to the Pizza Hut Hunger Games, sponsored by REI, When your life depends on a bulls-eye, think REI and now..."

My real problem is that we are sucked into beleiving (by the hype) that because we are supporting the "Heroine" aka the Good Gal (Kitn Ass or something), we are also part of the good guys, but truth be told we are showing how we are the sheep sitting in the audience. We are the people that are willingly opiated. Nothing really new here, it is the basis for Gladiator etc and that whole genre of films. When it comes down to it we are titillated by the female "macho" heroine. There is a love message going on too I suppose but that takes back seat to carnage and dog-eat-dog.

Meanwhile I have only attacked the story on its ironic mixed media message. Major themes in this movie are murder, mayhem, and (gulp) suicide. It sounds more like Clockwork Orange (which was originally given an X rating I believe). I have no idea how they got away with a PG-13 rating. Oh , yes I do too. I suppose the violence is not explicitly shown and they stick to cussing in PG-13 ways like:

"Oh Shappoie, I just shot an arrow into my best friend's heart."
"Oh fuddy duddy, what's this darn spear doing impaled on my head."

La de da, lets kill everybody off (nearly) but hey no need to get violent about it. There is also some drug reference but I think that is mostly by the audience members. From all of the reviews I nearly read I can tell this movie is well made, well acted and in the end will have a powerful message for many people. Specifically how much popcorn and Jujubes will be sold during The Hunger Games run. So everything is acceptable? I think I draw the line at suicide. Sure it is okay on Glee, but not in movies that market towards young teens. I don't know. Suicide is one of those taboo issues in my mind a "holy cow" if you will that needs special handling and orchestration. No, our media should not avoid the topic altogether but it need not be part of an epic adventure movie for entertaining the kiddies. "Are they going to commit suicide...oh no. Pass the Sno-Caps." I don't think so.

But audience members will be left questioning some of the movies underlying themes like, "When will this come out in 3-D?" Alright perhaps I am reading too much into this. Let's just let people have their blood sports and pay their ten bucks to see other people hack each other apart...just as long as I get a cool prize in my Happy Meal.

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